Packaging and sale: changing customer needs.

Customers’ and consumers’ preferences have changed hugely in recent years, with a clear shift towards innovative products with convincing certifications, labels and a transparent, sustainable supply chain. Sustainability labels are in high demand, particularly for chocolate. HALBA is noticing this change to a substantial extent and responding to it with a wide range of high-quality products and packaging solutions that satisfy exacting sustainability requirements, too.

Adding value through high-quality products and pioneering projects.

In terms of sustainability, HALBA strives to add value through high-quality, credible certifications and sustainability labels. Its certified product range has been continually expanded in recent years: its first Fairtrade chocolate was launched in 1994, its first organic chocolate in 2005 and its first climate-neutral chocolate in 2010. Today, no fewer than 93 percent of chocolate and 58 percent of snacks have a sustainability label. Customers can choose from a wide range of labels and even combinations thereof. In addition, they can co-finance HALBA’s pioneering sustainability projects in the countries of origin and reduce their own footprint.

These corporate sustainability endeavours are 100 percent provable, traceable and, in turn, credible. Both producers and customers benefit from local investments. HALBA supports them with detailed project information, training and sustainable cultivation insights and regular updates; its customers can use this information for their own marketing purposes.

HALBA’s work with Emmi, a leading manufacturer of milk products within Switzerland, is an example of successful collaboration. This mutual dialogue on sustainability-related topics aims to add further value across the entire value chain.

Interview with Judith Greter.

What are Emmi’s sustainability goals?
In line with our company purpose, we are passionate about creating perfect moments of dairy bliss today and for future generations. Our sustainability model is based on a netZERO 2050 vision and focuses on three key areas: employees, society and environment. We have set ourselves ambitious sustainability goals for each of these areas, with a view to achieving them by 2027.

How have Emmi’s standards for sustainably produced and packaged products changed over the past years?
Younger generations shop much more deliberately. They care about the companies behind the products. Environmentally friendly lifestyles are increasingly important. But it is not just consumers asking for greater commitment to the planet: our employees, customers and stakeholders echo their calls. Sustainability is a must these days. At Emmi, it has been an integral part of our corporate philosophy for a very long time.

What value does HALBA offer Emmi with its sustainably produced and packaged products?
Together, we want to make the entire value chain sustainable and use it sustainably. Thanks to an ongoing exchange about various sustainability-related topics, we are improving continuously and moving towards net zero together. We communicate our commitment to the consumers together, motivating them to buy sustainably produced and packaged products.